What we do for you
We support individuals from abroad in successfully entering the German job market by combining our personal expertise with AI technology.
From job searches and visa applications to language improvement and finding accommodation, we guide you through every step of the journey.
With our tailored solutions, we ensure a smooth transition to life and work in Germany.
Jede Person die unseren Service in Anspruch nehmen möchte muss sich registrieren
Zugriff auf persönliches Dashboard
Basisinformationen sind verfügbar
Um individuelle Journey zu starten muss gezahlt werden
Daten zu Abschluss, Beruf, Erfahrung, Skills, Dokumente müssen hochgeladen werden
Anhand der Daten werden verschiedene, individuelle Wege vorgeschlagen (z.B.: welches Visa, Anerkennung ja oder nein, welcher Job sinn macht)
Person muss einen Weg wählen, kann im nachhinein noch geändert werden
Prozess was, wo gemacht werden muss (z.B.: Ämter für Anerkennung, Deutschkurse, etc.)
Visa & Anerkennung
We provide comprehensive guidance on all available visa options, helping you understand what is required to obtain the visa you need. We explain where and how to apply for the visa, and whether recognition of your qualifications is necessary. If recognition is required, we guide you through the process, showing you where to apply. Our service supports you every step of the way, offering a clear, personalized path through the entire visa and recognition process to ensure you meet all the necessary requirements.
Maybe add that we can do everything with a vollmacht? Wollten wir eig nicht machen
We identify the knowledge and skills you need to secure your desired job in Germany, covering everything from language proficiency to specialized expertise. Our service helps you understand the specific requirements for your profession and guides you to the best resources for gaining the necessary qualifications, whether through language courses, certifications, or professional training programs. We ensure you are fully prepared to succeed in the German job market.
We match you with open positions that fit your profile and career goals in Germany. Our service includes preparing professional application materials, tracking all your applications, and providing personalized interview coaching. We also offer support in salary negotiations to ensure you secure the best possible offer. Additionally, we connect you with valuable networking opportunities to help expand your professional contacts in your field. From job matching to interview preparation and beyond, we guide you every step of the way.
We support you in all aspects of settling into life in Germany. Our service includes assistance with finding suitable housing, navigating transportation options, setting up a bank account, and understanding insurance requirements. We also help with family-related matters and offer guidance on leisure activities to help you integrate smoothly into your new environment. From practical needs to lifestyle adjustments, we ensure you're fully prepared for life in Germany.
Pricing 1. option
Die Basis: Grundlegende Informationen zu dem gesamten Prozess, Visaempfehlung, Jobempfehlungen, Versicherung
Alles von davor plus:
CV-Generator, Anschreiben, Bewerbungstracking, Zugang zu Netzwerk
Alles davor plus:
Persönliche Gespräche, Unterstützung bei Wohnungssuche, etc.
Pricing 2. option
Modularer Aufbau:
Einzelne Optionen buchbar
In jedem Service gibt es verschiedene Optionen welche jeweils ein anderes Level an Beratung beinhalten (z.B. Knowledge: Sprachpaket, Fachwissen)